Extreme Makeover For Jeremias' House

Jeremias needed help because when he was only married one year he got into a fight with some people and they broke his back in 3 places 38 years She has stayed with him this entire time and does everything for him. She told me he is her baby. She feeds him, bathes him, and reads to him. Jeremias speaks a little English and loves to learn. We left him audio English lessons, Spanish audio Bible, English audio Bible, and lots of church music in English and Spanish. Jeremias also needed new sheet metal on his roof, 157 feet of wiring to rewire the house, new plumbing, 4 new light fixtures, 3 new electrical outlets, and new wooden support beams, plus one metal support beam. His roof sloped downward right over his bed. The support his roof had water damage and needed new wood beams. Jeremias is one of the nicest happiest Adventist you will find in his kind of condition. He has a ton of faith. He told me his wife visits sick people and does Bible studies with people.